Tuesday, June 8, 2010

PSE website: Company Stock Information Part 4

Another link in the stock information worth checking is the Chart link.

Again right click on the link and choose open in new tab. You will see three charts but concentrate on the chart on top. This chart shows the company's last price(sometimes term as the closing price) represented by the black line, open represented by the dark blue line, high represented by the red line, and low represented by the light blue line. 

Again you will ask me, "Louis what will I learn here I didn't even passed my Math subject in high school." 

This chart shows you the trend of the stock. If you look closely the X-axis or the one below the chart shows the months and on the Y-axis are the prices. This chart shows when and how much was the price of this particular company's stock price comparing how much was its closing price(which is the basis of next trading days starting price), what was its highest asking price and what was the lowest bid price. It will give you an idea when to buy, that is when it's low and when to sell that is when its high.

This is a very rudimentary form technical analysis. Technical analyst interpret such movement and then predict or we term it time the market so that they know when to buy or sell.  They have this signal like an abrupt jump in price or a steady rise of the price. A successive dip or a successive rise that guides them in there buying and selling activities. But for now lets contend ourselves with the simple analysis. Buy when its low, sell when its high, hold when price is steady, and take profit when there is a steady rise in price.

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