Monday, June 14, 2010

Updating yourself about the PSE listed companies you are interested in

One way to keep yourself updated regarding the companies you are interested in is through off course reading the PSE website daily and watching TV programs like CNBC, Bloomberg, and CNN among others.

But if you don't have the time to catch up with these TV shows or if your only time you get to read is through your email then Google Alerts would be a great tool for you to use. All you need is a Google account which is basically free. If you don't have one create a Gmail account and you automatically have a Google account. 

Go to and log in using your Gmail account info.

In the Search field type in the name of the listed company you want to be keep updated. Select the source of the information in the Type field. You can customized how often the alerts would be like daily, as it happens, or weekly. You can also specify the maximum results you wanted to appear in your email  and last but not the least the email address you want this to be sent to which off course your Gmail address.

You can create a folder in your email to segregate this updates for quick view just like what I did to my Outlook.

Google alerts are formatted like feeds thus you can see a short info about the news report or blog and you just chose that interest you. To have a broader perspective I have included in my alerts "Philippine Stock Exchange" to get news regarding the stock exchange itself. Also I have added alerts on the stocks that I have in my portfolio to give me a heads up about any significant information that may cause a rise or drop in their trading price.

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