Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Who is Washington SyCip

Washington SyCip (b. June 30, 1921) is a Chinese Filipino accountant, founder of the Asian Institute of Management and Sycip Gorres Velayo and Company. 

A product of the Philippine public school system, Sycip was in the United States completing a post-graduate degree during the outbreak of the Second World War. His father, who was in Manila at the time of the Japanese invasion, was taken into custody and detained by the Japanese. After hearing reports that his father was executed by the Japanese, SyCip enlisted in the war effort. He was recruited into a "special code breaking" class and was later deployed to India as a codebreaker.

After the war, SyCip started his own practice of accountancy. He eventually partnered with Alfredo Velayo and Ramon Gorres to form what is now known as SGV. Sycip has received numerous accolades in the fields of accountancy and consultancy.

His father, Albino SyCip, was known as the "Dean of Philippine Banking". The senior SyCip was one of the first ethnic Chinese to be admitted to the Philippine Bar.

For a complete biography of Washington SyCip click here.

For his affiliations click here.

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