Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Heart's Day!!!

I know I am kinda late to post this but nonetheless as Filipinos say " Huli man at magaling nakahabol din!"

Just a thought on the occasion. It is great thing if we invest on our relationships. 

When I say "relationship" it is not limited to the boy-girl, gf-bf, husband-wife kind of thing. Relationship covers a lot of things. Friendship or what we call "barkada", group classmate in school, student-teacher or the sensie- deshi, parent-child are some forms of relationships. It is important for one to spend time in these relationships to strengthen the bond which one will carry as one matures.

In the future we will reap the benefits of these relationships which are nurtured and taken cared of. That is why it is important to invest on such. Investing here means time. The question is what kind of time? It should be quality time.

Time has a great effect on everything for example in a bank deposit with compounded interest. As time passes the small amount we place on such grows not linearly but exponentially due to the effect of the passage of time. Same thing with relationships. As it progresses it develops and grows due to the "interest" it earns over the years.

On this day we learned two things(this now is purely about investing application):

1. The importance of time
2. The effect of time

Happy Heart's day everyone!!!

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