Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My new segments in my blog: The online stockbrokers that I use

If you remember I introduced you to the online stockbrokers... if you haven't read that yet click here.

Okay so let me make some introductions first. One might ask me why online stockbrokers? What are the benefits?

Here are my reasons why I opted for online stockbrokers:

1. Online stockbrokers are cheap. Most only charge a commission of
    0.25% to 0.50% per all transaction. Most have no maintaining
    fee, and only charge a small fee for call trading assistance.

2. Online stockbroker's platform are easily accessible online and 
    they are secure. That is why they have to be accredited by both
    SEC and PSE.

3. Online stockbroker's web page are full of information and guides 
    to help you make that buy or trade

4. And lately after the PSE upgraded most have brought back the
   off-hours facility. No more early morning waking up for our stock 
   investors abroad to place their stock trades

Those are the benefits to name a few.

Now as promise I will be posting a series on how to navigate and use the two online stockbrokers I am currently using. I am using Citiseconline and First Metro Securities Brokerage Corp. to know more about these two click on them to go to their website.

Here is a story on how I ended up with these two online stockbroker.

Citiseconline was the first online stockbroker I applied to. I learned about them through Bo Sanchez's book 8 Secrets of the Truly Rich. Long before I have always wanted to enter the stock market. I remember the days when my professor and dean in PSBA-QC would tell us about his masteral class challenging them to buy stock in the Philippine Stock Market and their grade in his class will be based on the performance of their stock investment. It scared me to take an MBA class because back then I really have no idea even how to buy a stock. Is it done just like going to the "sari sari" store asking the "tindera" to sell you stocks? I know it wasn't.

But in the end while working abroad and after mustering my courage to dive in an unknown territory I checked out Citiseconline's website and tried there 15 day or so free pass which I didn't even use because I really have no idea how to do the action in the stock market.  After nearly 6 months I inquired via email and a reply from Jenny Senining gave me hope of opening an account. I planned and I inquired like a little child so afraid to bring and placed my tiny money in to a strange place called "online stockbroker" but finally when I had a chance to get a vacation from my overseas work I made sure it is my first order in my list. Went Tektite to looked for the Citiseconline office and luckily Ms. Senining was there to assist me and that afternoon I funded my account and got may access after a day..that was late November last year.

And then ecstatic that I was I went to my account check this and that and place my first order. After the day nothing happened. After a week nothing happened. After a month still nothing happen. So I asked myself what's wrong with my bid? Then a new thread in the forum where I accustomed to share my ideas and advices opened. It was about stock investing. And from there on my knowledge grew leaps and bounds due to friends who share the same passion for stock investing. My humble thanks to our OFW friend who started that thread, "maraming salamat rich dad ninong :) "

I made my first buy on March 2010 and from their on I have been buying, then waiting till it profits around 5-10% net of cost before selling and sometimes when times are good I profit up to 40%


The reason why I opened another online stockbroker account is funds accessibility.

Being the online brokerage arm of Metrobank fund transfer from your Metrobank account to your First Metro Securities account is a breeze through Metrodirect. I am in the process of familiarizing myself about FMSB's online platform and will soon share here my experience in navigating and making the most of their platform.

Also the well known stock analyst Gus Cosio is in FMSB and his blog is linked to their website. With the latest announcement that FMSB can now accept off-hours trading I guess more and more Pinoys can benefit from it. Also to open an account you just need a minimum of Php 5,000.00, of which Php 2,00.00 is for your maintaining  balance for your Metrobank account and the Php 3,000.00  cash is available for stock investment.


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  2. Ladylike Post. This enter helped me in my college assignment. Thanks Alot
