Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Investing Word of the day: PCD Nominee Corporation

source: http://www.pse.com.ph/html/ListedCompanies/pdf/2011/MRC_Top100_Jun2011.pdf

I know this is weird.

This name has always been appearing in the various top 100 stockholder list of most Philippine listed corporation. I was just checking some financial reports of listed companies and one of them is MRC Allied Corporation(MRC) which as of last reporting  about 98% of its outstanding shares are held by PCD Nominee Corporation. That makes MRC wholly owned by PCD Nominee Corporation.

So who or what is PCD Nominee Corporation?

I tried searching the web and Wikipedia.org gave me an answer.

PCD Nominee Corporation (PCNC) is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Philippine Central Depository, a corporation established to improve operations in securities transactions and to provide a fast, safe and highly efficient system for securities settlement in the Philippines. PCNC acts as trustee-nominee for all shares lodged in the PCD system, where trades effected on the Philippine Stock Exchange are finally settled with the PCD. Persons who opt to trade using the PCD do not receive stock certificates as an indicator of ownership as trading using the PCD is completely paperless.

Basically PCD Nominee Corporation holds all shares of stock traded in the Philippine Stock Exchange for all investors thus PCD Nominee becomes a trustee of all the shares for the investors thus leading to a paperless transaction.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Free PSE seminar: Building Wealth with Stocks

My friend Rowin Santos who is working in China sent me an email regarding the free seminar from Philippine Stock Exchange. It also says that you can tour the PSE. 

Details as follows:

Seminar title: Building wealth with Stocks

When: Every last Tuesday of the month ( that would be on August 30 for this month check with them if there open though) 10:00 am to 12:00 noon

Scope: Basics of stock investing, which includes a lecture and a quick tour to the PSE

Venue: 3/F PSE Training Room, PSE Tower One & Exchange Plaza, Ayala Avenue, Makati City

If interested  please register via email stating your full name and contact number to marketeducation@pse.com.ph. Handouts will be emailed so please register early.

For other seminars that you might be interested you can check out PSE's calendar of seminars(provided by other thus with fee) at http://www.pse.com.ph/html/NewsRoom/memos/2011/MEA_2011-0017.pdf

Long weekend and Non-trading day

source: http://www.yahoo7answersblog.com

I was unaware that there will be a long weekend in the Philippines(this is the hassle of being employed in another country).

The following days are both non-trading day for the Philippine Stock Exchange:

August 29, 2011 (Monday) National Heroes Day
August 30, 2011 (Tuesday) Eid’l Fitr (Feast of Ramadhan)

Such time period might have an effect on the  stock market on its opening on Wednesday. Some traders are already decided on which stock they will buy and which stock they will sell. For investors with the past weeks jitters on the Dow moving up and down will be picky. But nonetheless it is still a good time to buy since most stocks are still at their low just be on the look out if it will still slide down further.

Mining has been performing well while the rest of the other sectors are sluggish. It is the  also the end of Ghost month so when the Asian funds start to buy in there will be a stock movement.

To all my fellow Pinoys enjoy the long weekend and be careful with the storm. 

Friday, August 26, 2011

The PSEi compared to some other market

The picture below just makes me smile. Compared to DJIADOW and Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway PSEi is still okay so far.

What is in store for PSE for the remaining months of 2011 and how about the coming year 2012?

PSEi is in green, DOW is in maroon

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Something out of the this Blog: August 31 Blog Day

Yup this is kinda deviating from what my blog is all about but while the stock market is in consolidation mode and everybody is fretting over debt crisis here and there let me share with you 6 blogs that I have been reading for sometime now.

And here they are:

1. Zen Habits @ www.zenhabits.net

The very first time I saw this blog I was amazed. The blogger, Leo Babauta, was once a resident of Guam where I currently work. And another thing that really amazed me is that his blog is one of the most influential blog. You can check Time Magazine for that or maybe search the web using most influential blog as a search term. Its all about how to be simple and how to live your life by slowing down, de-cluttering the busy life, and just enjoying the passing time of life. And one thing more he earns a living blogging and yet his blog is ad free now that is amazing.

2. BoSanchez.ph @ www.bosanchez.ph

He is one of the country's sought after speaker and retreat master. Also a certified best selling author with his books like Simplify and Live a Good Life, 8 Secrets of the Truly Rich, and Finding Your One true Love and more. His blogs are mostly his topics in the Light of Jesus Community Weekly Feast celebrated everywhere as of I know.

3. Gus Cosio Says So @ www.guscosio.com

Well Mr. Gus Cosio's blog ha sbeen one of the blogs me and my investor friends follow. His wise words of wisdom has always shed light to our minds when the stock market is in turmoil. His comments and opinions on current economic situation soothes and calms our agitated emotions specially in this risky world of the stock market.

4. The UltraLife of Jomar Hilario + Internet Marketing + Philippines @ www.jomarhilario.com

He is one of the reasons why I still blog now a days. Blogging may be one of the source for passive income but this the slowest of the four means which is blogging, affiliate marketing, online selling, and virtual assistant gig. And that is why I still follow his blog and some of his seminars to direct my goal from an employee to be a home based entrepreneur doing online jobs or gigs .

5. Studio Saldana @ http://studiosaldana.com/blog/

I just love the pictures in this blog specially the pre-nup and wedding pictures. Just love the photography the make me just stare in awe.

Well Yugatech is also one of the reason why I started blogging. I saw a newspaper article about earning money blogging and Yugatech blogger Abe Olandres is one of the resource of that article. But besides that Yugatech has been Philippines great source of technology review from laptops to cellphone and anything techie under the sun. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Puregold Initial Public Offering

source: http://puregold.com.ph/

I was glancing at my Google Alerts in my Outlook mail when my eye caught this news.

SEC approves Puregold’s P12.4-b public offering

by Jenniffer B. Austria

The Securities and Exchange Commission en banc approved Friday the P12.4-billion initial public offering of Puregold Price Club Inc., the supermarket chain owned by Filipino-Chinese businessman Lucio Co.

Based on the approved timetable, Puregold said it would set the final price of the shares on Sept. 21 and start offering them from Sept. 23 to 29. It plans to list the shares on Oct. 5.

The company will offer up to 600 million in primary and secondary shares and another 90 million common shares to cover overallotment.

The public offering could generate as much as P12.4 billion in proceeds based on an assumed maximum price of P18 per share.

Puregold said it was spending P6.26 billion from 2011 to 2013 primarily to put up new stores in Davao, Rizal, Cavite, Bataan, Pangasinan, Baguio City, Ilocos Norte, Caloocan, Bulacan, Camarines Sur, Laguna, Quezon City, Legaspi City, Iloilo City, Leyte, Cebu City, Tarlac City, La Union and Albay.

Puregold said it would use proceeds from the IPO to settle debt and finance store expansion.

The company plans to settle P2.24 billion worth of debt with China Banking Corp., Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co. and Banco de Oro Unibank.

The supermarket chain hired HSBC and UBS AG as joint global coordinators and international lead managers and BDO Capital and Investments Corp. and First Metro Investments Corp. as domestic lead underwriters.

Net sales reached P17.3 billion in the first six months of 2011, up 41 percent from P12.3 billion year-on-year while net income grew 270 percent to P782 million from P212.2 million.

Puregold will offer 500 million in primary shares and 100 million in secondary shares owned by existing shareholders, including Lucio Co and Susan Co.

The company plans to sell up to 420 million common shares to international investors and 180 million to local investors.
Puregold is the second-largest retailer among the hypermarkets, supermarkets and cash and carries in the Philippines based on gross sales in 2010.

The company has grown significantly since it commenced operations, expanding its business from one store in 1998 to 72 in 20 cities and 22 municipalities throughout Metro Manila as of end-July 2011.

The company focuses on two customer segments, which are retail customers and resellers. It offers three retail formats and store brands, namely hypermarkets, supermarkets and discounters.

Approximately 65 percent of its customers are C and D markets with a monthly income of P8,000 to P50,000.
Source: http://www.manilastandardtoday.com

In my opinion we should do our due diligence before jumping into this IPO. The expansion of Puregold has greatly help its bottomline and also since part of the proceeds of the IPO is to be use to settle obligations the remaining payment will be use to put up more stores specially in the far flung provinces in Northern Luzon and probably Mindanao.

It is a new opportunity but again one should carefully study Puregold's long term profitability. I am searching for available financial statement of the company to do fundamental analysis but so far haven't found one. If you know where to find one please leave link in the comments below.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Revisiting my first post: Is it a good time to invest now?

source: http://www.stockginger.com

It is worth reading an old post. 

Back then the situation is pretty much similar that is we are in the middle of a financial crisis. (Click here to read my very first post. Please leave your comments on how different is today's crisis from the last). My question was "Why invest?"

Now this is my question: Is it a good time to invest now?

Yup the stock market had a roller coaster ride. The Philippine Stock Market reached its highest two or three times before it succumb to its current level due to US debt crisis. You might wonder why am I asking if it is the right time to invest. Well as I recall again there is no right time to invest because "now" is the right time to invest. But it is so scary out there don't you think. The DOW dive nearly 600 points down then recovered back then went down again, it is so risky and still why do I say it is a good time to invest now.

source: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/quote?ticker=INDU:IND

Now probably you have to ask me direct, Louis why is it a good time to invest now?

Here are my reasons:

1. Stock prices of blue chips companies went down therefore you
    are getting them at a bargain.

2. The current financial crisis is of the US not of the world yet. So it
   may have affected other markets but surely it is temporary as it
   has always been. So take advantage of the time.

3. Stocks of true value will come out in such situations. Those who
   are really just mere stocks will fall but those who truly deliver 
   profitability amidst crisis will stand out.

4. If you already have stocks it is a good time for you to average
    down big time. 

So what is your move now? Probably you might say you'll think about it. And that is good as well. In stock investing you always have the final word. No one can tell you what to do but only you as an investor have to push that buy button or if you prefer to sell then sell button.

source: http://iamamentallychallengedteen.blogspot.com

So is it really a good time to invest now? Would appreciate sharing your thoughts by leaving comments below.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

What are Growth Stocks

source: http://www.benzinga.com

Growth stocks are stocks whose earnings are expected to grow at an above-average rate relative to the market. A growth stock usually does not pay a dividend, as the company would prefer to reinvest retained earnings in capital projects.(source: www.investopedia.com)

As the definition above says a Growth Stock is a stock expected to grow at above average as compared to the PSEi so for an example we have PX(Philex Mining Corp.)

source: www.bloomberg.com
The above comparison tells it all. Sometimes growth stock companies don't declare dividends and re-invest earnings to fund expected growth. PX was once expected to slow down when its mine in Padcal, Benguet was said to mine out in the near future about 2012. But the recent findings that such mine will extend for more years geared PX to an expectation of more earnings that it even caught the attention of Manny Pangilinan leading to MPI's(Metro Pacific Investments) entry to PX.

Last year my investor friends and I established a TP(Target Price) of 21 pesos per share for PX when it was in the 12-14 pesos level. But today PX is now at 27 pesos level way above our TP.

With the mining boom expected to come back to the Philippines PX is expected more to rise up from its 27 peso level. Other mining stocks like LC/LCB, AT, and other are expected to peak up as well. When will that be nobody really knows yet but expectation of growth is there thus these stocks are called Growth stocks.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Some things one should be aware of

source: http://www.twincommas.com

I was checking  my Blogger account and I was able to get a glimpse of an old post(In my starting days as a blogger excuse my wrong grammars and misspellings) that talks about two things that you and I must avoid.

Click here to read my blog post.

Greed as define by Dictionary.reference.com means 
excessive or rapacious desire, especially for wealth or possessions.
As a stock investor I know your goal is to be financially free but be on your guard. 

As we always mentioned "moderate your greed."

It creeps on us once in awhile . The stock price is starting to go north and you have been thinking to sell it once it hits 20% profit. But after a day it hits 32% and as you are watching it still rises. At some point in that you tend to forget that your plan is to sell the stock and pocket your gains but the continuous uptrend of the stock stops you from doing so. That feeling of you telling yourself "more more more!" might be that greed starting to grow within. 

I am not saying that it is bad but when you have a goal and because of the continuous rise keeps you from doing as plan because you want more that is greed. So pocket your gains as much as you can. Dont let your greed  overtake you.

When there is greed I believe there is also envy. 

Envy simply means you  a feeling of discontent and resentment aroused by and in conjunction with desire for the possessions or qualities of another. When you see others saying that there stock went up 45% isn't it you also desire your portfolio is the same.  

Now is that envy? I don't think so yet. Desiring to be a better person or have a better portfolio is also not bad at all but when you feel that you are nothing and the other person is better and you start to want to be that person I guess that is envy.

As a person one should have his or her own standard and not somebody else standard. That is miserable because no matter what you do you yourself brand yourself as second class good for nothing. That is depressing and worse is you don't do something to get your confidence back and start setting your own definition of success. 

Success is not that you can buy the same Lambourghini your rich neighbor has rather success is the point where you are content of what you have achieve on the standards you have set.

People nowadays are lost because they don't have a clear picture of their success because they don't have a standard of their own in the first place.    

Make it a point today to write down what you want in your life. Review them and make them your standard. And from their it will be success every time you achieve even one only.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Investing word of the day: Beta

source: http://tiie.com

I always see this word in the analysis of finance websites like Reuters.com and Bloomberg.com but when I searched what is it and what use is it for me Investopedia's video has answered all my questions. So see the video below and learn how you can use Beta in your stock trades.

Oops I know you didn't quite get it so let me explain.

Beta coefficient or simply Beta is a measure of volatility or risk as compared to the market as a whole. Philippine listed stocks are compared to the PSEi to compute their Beta.

In a way it is a multiplier which uses the PSEi as the base comparison.  As the video said it is a way of knowing the movement of the stock as compared to the base it is compared to. Below is the generalized assumption as quoted from Investopedia.com

A beta of 1 indicates that the security's price will move with the market. A beta of less than 1 means that the security will be less volatile than the market. A beta of greater than 1 indicates that the security's price will be more volatile than the market. For example, if a stock's beta is 1.2, it's theoretically 20% more volatile than the market. 

To sum it up:

If Beta is = 1 stock follows the trend of the PSEi
If Beta is > 1 stock is more volatile than the market thus  
If Beta is < 1 stock is less volatile than the market thereby slow 
                   moving than the market but stable

Monday, August 15, 2011

Online Broker: Philstocks.ph

source: https://www.philstocks.ph/PublicV3/default.aspx

With the recent upgrades of most Philippine online stockbrokers, Philstocks.ph which is the online brokerage arm of Accord Capital recently lunch there upgraded online platform taking pride in their all in one page trading platform.

I don't have an account with Accord/Philstock but I am presenting these online brokerage firm for newbie investors to have a chance to look at their platform and even possible chose Accord/Philstocks as their online broker.

Below is a video presentation of their all in one page trading platform:

Interested in Philstocks?

You can attend there PISO to learn more.

What is PISO anayways?

The PISO Series is the newest learning service offered by Philstocks Live. In line with the company’s direction toward de-mythifying and democratizing the stock market, the PISO Series seeks to present the stock market as a viable investment option for every Filipino. PISO: Jumpstart, the first offering of the PISO Series, is a highly-interactive and dynamic learning session specifically designed for first-time investors where our dedicated Philstocks team will be @ Your Service.

• Informative learning about the stock market
• Finding the right investment options
• Meeting people who aspire for success
• An exciting way to reach your financial goals

Call them to reserve a seat at 632-687-5071 local 146

Disclosure: The author is not paid to promote Philstocks.ph or Accord Capital Securities Corporation.  

Friday, August 12, 2011

Starting early

source: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com

Remember our generation?

For my friends out there who is within my age group do you remember when our parents ask you to save some of our allowance and deposit it in a bank? That was our generation, the saving generation. I remember my dad opening an account for me and my siblings and deposited 50 pesos(yeah back then that amount still has a value but now its just plain 50 pesos).

But why did our parents did such. To tell you the truth I don't really remember what happen to that account. The very first bank account which I really open for my own was with BPI when I was in college to handle the money my parents sent me for my education in Manila. For most of us our parents are from the provinces and the common notion to gain financial freedom is through savings which was still good at that time. When you are in a rural area savings are good emergency funds that you can pull out in case of emergency. But times has already changed.

Remember my post about how I allocated my salary to six funds?(click here to read that post) Yup these times ask for such action. It is not enough for us to save but we should as well set aside money for emergency, for investments, and other bunch of funds or baskets or envelopes if that is how you do your budget to ensure that when such is needed we can really pull out something.

That is why it is wise to start while young. 

Is it too late for us? I wouldn't say that it is too late but rather let us not waste time while we are at it. At the same time if you are a parent as well it would be nice if you can start your kids not only savings but also investing.  This morning I was cleaning some parts of our apartment's backyard where short grasses have grown. Some are easy to pull out  but some required my 100% strength to pull out. As I was doing manual labor I realize that the longer or deep the roots are the harder it is to pull. 

Why don't we make sure that the next generation, that is our kids, will have deep roots in savings and investing. Now most kids are more prone to materialistic lifestyle which they actually acquired from us. 

Why do you expect a child to save when you yourselves can't. Just like the old TV commercial that says "anuman ang ginagawa ng matatanda; ginagaya ng mga bata" (whatever adults do kids follow)something like that. 

It is a sad truth. We complain why kids today are so unruly, spends a lot, and into such profanity at an early age but in reality what we see is a reflection of ourselves. What you and I see is what we are in compressed form. 

So how are we going to correct this?

Start early. There is still time. If you have a credit card debt, cut your credit card and stop buying unnecessary things. Little by little pay your debt and simplify your lifestyle. If you want your kid to stop bugging you buying the latest PSP or XBox you yourselves should stop buying new cellular phone every other two weeks. If you want your kids to save up only go once a month to your favorite resto which you usually go to for dinner every other day.

Start small, think big. Start early.

It doesn't have to be a sudden and major change because when you do that you will experience withdrawal syndrome. Cut your spending little by little.

I remember a story of a former alcoholic who nearly  lost his family. One day it just came to a point where he was so drunk that he didn't recognize his wife and kids when he went home. He hurt them. After the effects of the alcohol subsided he realize what he had done and wanted to change. He seek a friend's help who is also priest. His friend told him to spend a week with him. After talking to his wife and kids he bade farewell and spend the week with his friend.

First day was a shocker. When he opened his friend's refrigerator it was full of beer from the freezer to the vegetable drawer. Imagine how he was surprised(probably his friend is also alcoholic). But then his friend told him to grab as much as he can. He was hesitant at first but he got one. After that he accompanied his friend on his priestly work. 

source: http://www.myspaceantics.com

In the evening after dinner he ask his friend about the refrigerator full of beer. His friend told him drink as much as you can today but tomorrow and there after you take out one bottle until you finish all. With that he said okay and did so.

After a few days he started to noticed something. Since he has taken out one bottle every other day his craving for alcohol seems to dwindle down until he can manage to live a day with just one bottle. That is the time he realize his friend's point. Human nature dictates that it holds on to what is already established. That is why he has to take out that thinking or psychology little by little until he it is taken out of one's system.

Sorry for the long story but lets apply this to our saving and investing. Most of the people I meet who have known about my investing venture would ask "how much have you earn now?" expecting me to tell them I earn half a million pesos in six months. It could be possible if I am trading and speculating and if I have a chunk of capital to do so. But I opted to invest and trade a small portion rather than trade and speculate. Because when I trade and when the stock market is down surely I will get a heart attack.

That is why start early so that you can start at small amounts. When you add all this small savings and invest them in a long period this small amounts multiply. They don't grow linear but rather exponential because of compounding which according to Albert Einstein is Ninth Wonder of the World.

source: http://mariosingh.com

Start early; if you are at my age it is not too late but you have to start right away. If you are a parent teach your kids savings and investment. Teach them that when they own a stock they are part owner of the company or if they put their money in a mutual fund a portion of that fund's earnings goes to their investments.

Again I say, START EARLY!!! 


Other parts of the First Metro Securities' Quote tab update are below.

Broker info consist of Broker Rankings and Broker Activity for those who likes to follow broker activity. This is good to monitor foreign buying by foreign stock brokers like Macquarie, Daiwa, Deutsche and others.

Here we can see which stock a particular broker is stock piling which may give us an idea what will be next stock pick or sell

Market Stats simple widens the report we usually see in the home page like which stock is actively traded, top gainers, and top losers

And finally a snapshot of the PSEi in one page together with its sub-indices

Online Brokers: First Metro Securities' Platform update

source: www.firstmetrosec.com.ph

Let me first apologize. I mentioned months ago that I would be posting about some features of the two online brokers that I use but unfortunately I was only able to make the introduction and CitisecOnline's Stock Quote section. I got busy with work and markets has been so volatile thus the need to focus on analysis for better trades. Nonetheless First Metro Securities' note on their website caught my attention. So here is the first part of this First Metro Securities Platform update.

In case you haven't read my post about the online brokers I use and CitisecOnline's Stock Quote click the links below:

Here is the screen shoots of First Metro Sec's update on their Quotes tab

In the Main Quote Sub-tab you have the options to chose to see Multiple Quote to see quotes for various stocks you are interested in and with just one click on BUY or SELL you will be directed to the New Order Section in the TRADING TAB

The BID AND ASK section gives information about the volume and price for bid and ask. You have the option to view stocks by index category.

HIGH-LOW-LAST section is nearly the same as BID  AND ASK showing information about the open, high, low, close information of the stock.

In the STOCK INFO section it gives a particular information about a stock. See screen shots below. 

Note: Other features will be in the Part 2 of this post.

In general the update of the QUOTES section of First Metro Sec is an enhanced version and also other features from the ANALYTICS section is included.