Thursday, May 13, 2010

Some lessons learn during this Philippine Election

You might wonder why I am writing about the recent 2010 Philippine Election in a blog about stock investing. If you haven't done so check PSE's website for today's(May 13, 2010) uptrend performance here.

If you haven't noticed the Philippine Stock Exchange performance last Tuesday right after the peaceful election, the PSE rose 4% on that day and mind you it is the only bourse or stock market that posted positive in the Asian market. So what is the lesson to be learn here?

One must be aware of the trend. Trend is something that any stock broker or trader should know. Any news either global or local can affect the Philippine Stock Market. For the past two weeks most market were sluggish due to the Greece debt crisis and the Goldman Sach's issue. The PSE as well went with it but this week nearly all market was down except for the Philippines due to the positive results of the 2010 election. I guess investor confidence on Noynoy is good. The stock market was rallying and has posted positive for the 3 days. Even CNBC's Worldwide Exchange TV show  had a interview of a stock analyst from the Philippines saying Noynoys lead has attracted investors due to the confidence they had with him.

Trend means the forecasted eventuality. Thus upon having the election result most stocks went beyond stock analyst target price. So always look for the trend and analyze it carefully. The trend might be tricky sometimes does one has to read and compare so that wise investing decisions can be made.

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